Learn about web design through the creation of your own web sites.
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Learn the basics of HTML & Web Design through working with raw code.
The internet is a living breathing and extremely dynamic thing.
It’s constantly changing, and it’s very easy to get overwhelmed trying to learn modern coding.
We are going to start at the beginning, get used to a bit of code, to be ready to work with modern day web design.
Utilizing a plain text editor, learn how to build simple web sites by utilizing HTML code.
Utilize the free open source code editor Adobe Brackets to be able to read and edit code faster and more effeceintly than before.
A method to reutilize code across multiple pages. You won’t understand how useful this is until you have to do without it.
Once you can understand basic code, we’ll move into working with editors that do all the coding for you.
Wait! What?!! There are programs that will do all the code for us?!
Well, yeah- but it’s important to be able to navigate the code when it isn’t doing what its suppose to.
Also, there are some pretty cool things that certain editors can’t do, and that you may need to edit the code itself to add.
Not yet. We’ve only just touched the surface.
There’s a lot more you can learn related to Web Design if you are interested.
These are the Tech Apps courses that are related to Web Development in Texas.
If you’re interested in courses like these, talk to me.
A two unit course, but each unit is
roughly twice as big as the intro level.
This course allows practice of basic web design
principles, but is primarily focused on the
technology and history of Web Design.
A four unit survey course, with each unit
roughly twice as big as the intro level.
Each unit focuses on a different aspect of
Computer Science, including those
related to the Web.
If you like CS, there’s also
A four unit course, with each unit
roughly twice as big as the intro level.
Each unit focuses on a different aspect of
Web Design, from static design, to user
interactivity, to modern responsive design.
A four unit course, with each unit
roughly twice as big as the intro level.
Each unit focuses on a different aspect of
Digital Forensics; including Digital Law, Cryptology, and Code Breaking.
A four unit course, with each unit
roughly twice as big as the intro level.
Each unit focuses on designing different
types of games for the internet. This
includes using Java & Flash.
Design your own course.
What to learn Adobe Muse or Adobe Edge?
Go further into HTML 5, use Dream Weaver
to make an iPhone app, or maybe online
gaming? Yeah, you can do that*.
*Restrictions apply.
Ask me for info.